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The 9 Positive Emotions To Cultivate In Your Daily Life: A Step-By-Step Guide

Cultivating positive emotions in your daily life is the key to attracting more happiness into your life. But what are these positive emotions and how can we cultivate them? Here’s your guide to 9 positive emotions and how to make your everyday life sparkle with happiness!
1 – Curiosity
In fact, without realizing it, we’re stuck in our routine, which is comfortable, even pleasant, but which gradually puts us to sleep.
In fact, to be fully happy in life, it’s essential to be fully awake.
Because life is full of things to feel, adventures to undertake, and above all, because it’s short!
That’s why I wholeheartedly invite you to cultivate your curiosity on a daily basis.
In fact, you can start each day by asking yourself this question: “What will this new day bring me as an adventure?”
In fact, I wholeheartedly invite you to stop confining yourself to what you know; on the contrary, open yourself up to everything you don’t know, with curiosity. Because this curiosity will lead you to experience a whole host of beautiful, positive emotions.
2 – Joy is one of the positive emotions to cultivate on a daily basis
We don’t talk enough about joy in our lives. In fact, it often comes to us by chance, far too rarely.
Yet joy is something we can cultivate on a daily basis. We have to stop waiting passively for it. Instead, we have to learn to make room for it, to invite it in and nurture it day after day.
So how do you cultivate joy? Do things you love, all the time! And do the things you have to do with joy!
In fact, find ways to do everything you do day after day with joy.
Don’t like cleaning? Find solutions to make this moment more pleasant and more joyful!
You like reading, but you never take the time to do it. Here again, find ways to read more often.
Understand that your joy is your best guide in this life, because it leads you to a life filled with positive emotions. Seek it out, cultivate it and follow it wherever it leads you.
3 – Softness
We don’t realize it, but we’re hard on ourselves every day. Hard on ourselves, hard on others too.
In fact, we ask far too much of ourselves, and even when we’ve done a lot at the end of the day, it’s never enough, so we criticize ourselves harshly.
And it’s the same with the people around us. No matter how hard they try, we always find a way to get angry.
What if we learned to cultivate gentleness?
To do so, come back to calm. Stop running around, thinking about a thousand and one things at once.
In fact, learn to slow down. Slow your movements, slow your pace. Turn down the music and your thoughts.
And simplify what you ask yourself to do.
Finally, give yourself moments of silence during which you do nothing. Look out the window, sip a drink. No music, no television, no telephone and no conversation.
That’s where gentleness begins, by stopping aggression and returning to silence and calm.
And out of that silence and calm come a whole host of positive emotions. Believe me!
4 – Gratitude is one of the positive emotions to cultivate on a daily basis.
Gratitude is magical and powerful, and yet we’ve never learned to cultivate it in our daily lives.
That’s why it’s time to learn.
To do this, get into the habit every day, and even several times a day (morning, noon and night) of practicing gratitude.
Close your eyes and breathe. Then, open your eyes and take a more positive, wonder-filled look at your life.
To whom and what would you like to say thank you, from the bottom of your heart? What makes you smile?
5 – Serenity
Stress is a way of life. In fact, we are increasingly stressed in our lives, and this has become a normality.
How long are we going to accept vibrating with emotions as negative and exhausting as stress?
That’s why I wholeheartedly invite you to cultivate serenity in your daily life.
Yes, it’s a choice you can make, right here, right now. Refuse to continue living with stress and choose serenity.
To do this, always come back to the present moment. Always come back to what’s happening here, right now.
Don’t think about tomorrow, about the problems you’re imagining. Live now!
This serenity is one of the most important positive emotions for maintaining physical and mental health. So cultivate it!
6 – Satisfaction is one of the positive emotions to cultivate on a daily basis
What is satisfaction? The one I’m thinking of is akin to pride, in other words, being proud of yourself.
It’s not something we often talk about, because being proud of oneself is rather poorly perceived in our society. Yet it’s essential.
To be proud of yourself, not because you think you’re better than others, but to be proud of yourself because you know that today you’ve done your best.
Can you see the difference? That satisfaction of going to bed at night with the feeling that we’ve given our best, that we’re on the right path too, that we’re moving in the right direction, the one that makes us proud of ourselves.
So, to cultivate this positive emotion of satisfaction, I wholeheartedly invite you to refocus on yourself and discover what direction you want your life to take?
It doesn’t have to be grandiose, it just has to make your heart beat a little faster, right here, right now.
Start somewhere. Take the first step.
7 – Love
We have learned to seek the love of others at all costs.
But have we really learned to love others and ourselves?
In fact, to vibrate with love in our lives, we need to understand that we’re here on Earth not to be loved, but to love.
Can you see the difference?
Not just to love others, but first and foremost to love ourselves.
In fact, your heart beats first and foremost for you.
Why is that? Because everything in life starts with you. Happiness, joy, serenity, love… everything!
So, if you want to experience more love in your life, start by loving yourself. Start by vibrating with love for yourself, then for others.
That’s the secret to experiencing positive emotions on a daily basis!
So, to cultivate love, I wholeheartedly invite you to ask yourself this question: “And if I loved myself and others more, what would I do differently?”
And let that be your guide!
8 – Inspiration is one of the positive emotions to cultivate on a daily basis
It’s a positive emotion we don’t often talk about. And yet, inspiration is essential if we are to be fully happy in our lives.
Because being inspired makes us take off, makes us touch the stars.
Indeed, when we’re inspired, there’s magic in the air.
Inspiration means feeling a creative impulse, but not only that.
Inspiration also means resonating with someone, and therefore no longer feeling alone. Indeed, when someone inspires us through their work, words, art or whatever, we feel recognized, or to a lesser extent, we recognize them. And that’s magic.
Because, all too often, the feeling of loneliness makes us sad. And cultivating inspiration on a daily basis means no longer feeling alone.
So how do you go about it? Read about subjects that inspire you, read biographies about people who inspire you.
9 – Compassion
Compassion, like inspiration, is a positive emotion that breaks our sense of solitude.
Indeed, compassion is the art of connecting with others, their suffering and their difficulties.
It’s realizing that we all suffer, have wounds and pain, and that’s what makes us so human.
In fact, on a day-to-day basis, we tend to protect ourselves from others, to wear armour so that others don’t reach out and hurt us.
Compassion, on the other hand, pushes us to open up completely, to stop being afraid of being hurt, because it teaches us that we all share the same goal: to be happy, and that we do our best to achieve it.
That’s why I wholeheartedly invite you to take a gentler look at the people around you: see their wounds, their flaws, their dark side, but also see their light and their hopes.
Wish them the best.
Because it’s by wishing the best to others, and to ourselves, that positive emotions settle comfortably into our lives. For our greatest happiness!
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