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How To Overcome The Fear Of Changing Jobs

Well-being at work is an integral part of a fulfilled life. That’s why we sometimes look for a better job, in a different structure. It’s perfectly normal to want something better. In terms of salary, working conditions and love of the job. But changing jobs is still a scary thing. Just as we know nothing about the future, we know nothing about the job, the new company, the new expectations. We doubt whether we’ll succeed in our new career.
Still, shouldn’t we try something? Change is part of life. So how can we stop being afraid of changing jobs?
Changing jobs: what does it involve?
Changing jobs means leaving your current job and getting used to a new environment – When you leave your job, you’re leaving a routine, colleagues, particular assignments, sometimes even the city – You also leave the salary, advantages and disadvantages of your job – Changing jobs is like starting a new life.
In particular, it means moving from one city or country to another – Seeing your salary drop, given that you’re still a novice in the field – It’s important to prepare yourself mentally for all these changes, so that the transition goes smoothly – Measuring the sacrifices involved helps reduce the fear of changing jobs.
What’s the point of changing jobs?
People may want to change jobs for a variety of personal reasons – Knowing how to identify them is an important step in gaining the courage to do so.
You need a better-paid job with better benefits in terms of bonuses, etc – That’s reason enough to look for a new job – That’s reason enough to look for a new job – No matter how hard you try to convince yourself that money isn’t important, when faced with reality, it’s normal to want better opportunities.
The work you do doesn’t give you enough interest and pleasure – Perhaps you’d rather be in another line of work – It’s time for you to do what you love – For some people, it’s the type of job that counts, not the money – For others, it’s both, and in both cases it’s possible to find happiness.
You’re afraid your job might disappear one day, so you’re thinking of changing – On the other hand, what’s the proof that you’re not about to work in a dying profession? It’s mainly because of this double questioning that the fear of changing jobs arises.
Your desire for change can be explained by the fact that you simply want to try out new experiences – You want to enjoy a new working environment, which implies that you have no particular reason to do so – That’s reason enough to change jobs, provided you don’t mind – Perhaps you’ve had enough of your current work routine, assignments, working atmosphere, etc., and you’re looking for a new job.
If your reason isn’t on this list, don’t hesitate to share it in the comments.
Fear of changing jobs is common
It’s a very common feeling in the professional world – And changing jobs is more common than you might think – But why? Many people don’t (or no longer) like their jobs – Many have other projects that no longer fit in with their current job – Like you, many of them have finally decided that changing jobs is an opportunity to be seized.
Changing jobs is common, but it’s not something to be taken lightly, like moving to a new neighborhood – It’s a major project, and you need to prepare carefully – If you have a plan A, prepare a plan B.
Still, it’s a great experience – You get the chance to work in different professions – In exceptional cases, some people have succeeded in practicing several trades throughout their lives without regret.
Is it possible to change jobs?
Fear of changing jobs also stems from doubts about the possibility of doing so – People wonder whether it’s possible, whether a waiter can become a real estate expert, or a journalist a web developer – The answer is yes, changing jobs is possible.
It’s possible thanks to a successful career transition process – In other words, a study of the market around the target job, parallel on-the-job training and the actual search for a new job – Anything is possible, provided you believe in yourself and your abilities – Some people do better in their new job than those who were there before them.
How to overcome the fear of changing jobs?
The first question you need to ask yourself is: Why am I afraid? What’s stressing me out and making me fear the worst? Identify the origin of this fear and try to understand it – When you understand the origin of an emotion, it becomes easier to deal with it – For example, you may be afraid because this is the first time you’ve done another job – You’re afraid you won’t be up to the job, or that you won’t like it – It’s perfectly normal to feel all these things – I think we’ve all experienced them.
Once you’ve identified the reasons for your fear, ask yourself what you can do about it – What initiatives can you take to stop doubting your ability to do your new job well?
It’s normal to be afraid of the unknown – Tell yourself that it will pass once you’ve started your new job – It’s like your first time in your first job – The terrain was new, you had the same fears, but you were able to adapt over time – Once you see things in this light, the fear of changing jobs gradually fades.
Analyze your fear and try to understand it, even accept it – Then choose effective weapons to confront these fears – I recommend meditation to help you sort out your thoughts and calm your mind.
Another way to overcome the fear of change is to set yourself goals during and after the change – What motivates you to change jobs? What do you hope to gain or achieve from the change? Take a pen and paper and write down all your goals – Read through your list of goals and do it every day, whenever you feel fear coming over you – This will motivate you to keep going until the end of the project.
There’s no fear of changing jobs when you know exactly what you want – That means, among other things, giving 100% to the project, not looking back and, above all, believing in yourself.
Make sure you can’t look back – This means preparing your reฬsumeฬ, mentally preparing for the job interview and learning a little more about this new industry – Total commitment on your part will prevent you from looking back and worrying that the project won’t succeed – The most difficult thing is not to perform well or to enjoy your new job – What’s hard for you is finding a new job – Performing well and enjoying your job are part of another process – Once you’ve got your job, you can finally think about how to perform and how to love what you do.
Keep in mind that project failure is an eventuality – But it is possible to bounce back from failure – Resilience is a useful skill for coping with change and all its surprises.
Develop an attraction to a culture of continuous learning – See job changes as opportunities to learn new things.
The fear of changing jobs often lies in the fact that you’re not giving 100% to the project – A project which, in itself, requires a great deal of preparation and effort – Changing jobs is not a simple transition – That’s why you’re so afraid – It takes a lot of energy – And when you realize it, you don’t have much energy left to feed your doubts and fears.
Visualization reduces stress and creates a state of incredible well-being and comfort – It consists in imagining yourself in the living conditions you want – For example, you can visualize how you’ll perform in your next job, or the relationships you’ll have with your new colleagues.
It’s a way of developing optimism and, to a certain extent, confidence in yourself and your project.
What not to do or believe
A career change is an important project – So don’t take it lightly – You need to take into account the efforts and sacrifices involved in such a project – So don’t minimize any step, and give yourself 200%.
Don’t make the decision to change jobs on a whim – Just because you’ve had a falling out with a colleague, or are unhappy about not being promoted, for example, doesn’t mean you’ll decide to change jobs immediately – Think long and hard about your decision to change jobs for a reason that’s worthwhile – If it isn’t, do your best to enjoy your job or, at the very least, find a job in another company for the same position.
One of the causes of fear of changing jobs is that you doubt you’re up to the job, or that you suffer from impostor syndrome – Don’t be too hard on yourself – Believe in yourself and give yourself time to adapt to your new environment – Sometimes, your skills are more than enough for the job – And don’t forget that the “soft skills” you developed in your previous job can be very useful – So make the most of your chances by building up your self-esteem.
Yes, there will be many changes in your life, but your life will remain the same (if not better) – If you’re worried about losing aspects such as your colleagues, you’ll have new colleagues – They won’t replace the old ones, but they too will be irreplaceable – It’ll take time to adapt, but you’ll get there.
You’re starting a new job, but your professional life isn’t starting from scratch – It’s the continuation of a successful career – You’ll learn and experience new things that will make you grow even more – Maybe even after this job, you’ll be tempted to try something new again.
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25 responses to “How To Overcome The Fear Of Changing Jobs”
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