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Overcoming Heartbreak: Complete Guide!

Have you just gone through a painful romantic breakup and are looking to rebuild your life? How do you recover from heartbreak and get your head above water after a separation, whether sudden or not? What are the solutions for moving on with your life when a relationship has just ended?
Whether you want to get your ex back or move on, you’ll naturally have to work on yourself to learn how to better control your emotions, understand how not to make the same mistakes again and analyze human relationships to achieve a more fulfilling personal and emotional life…
Your partner has made the tough decision to break up with you, and since then you haven’t known how to react. You’re upset, and it’s a perfectly understandable reaction. After a break-up, there’s a period of doubt when everything seems black and you can’t enjoy anything anymore. There’s only one way out: overcome the heartbreak that’s undermining your existence.
The reason we feel heartbreak is precisely because we find ourselves in a situation we can’t control and where uncertainty reigns. A lot of questions arise, such as:
Will I ever find someone again after this loss?
Do I have any chance of winning back my ex?
What’s going to happen in my life?
Is it my fault and am I really that unbearable?
Is it normal to dream about your ex so often?
How long will I suffer?
It’s by providing answers to these questions that we can move forward. While some people are unaffected by separation, it’s different for you, and this negative context is ruining your life. Human beings are not made to lose something (or someone) they feel belongs to them (your relationship or even your ex to personify this loss), but it’s also the doubts surrounding your present that are at the root of this unhappiness.
Finally, there’s one last factor that leads you to feel depressed, and that’s the love you have for your ex. On the contrary, even after a separation, love is often even stronger because you realize what you’ve lost.
When it comes to fighting and overcoming heartbreak, it’s important to keep these different aspects in mind in order to fight as effectively as possible. Indeed, it’s by being aware of the things you need to work on that you’ll achieve results as quickly as possible. So there will be actions to implement as soon as possible, and others that will come as you progress.
Many people are content to tell you “But don’t worry, in time you’ll forget”. Unfortunately, as time goes by, you’re still unable to turn the page on your relationship… You’d like to be able to find another person with the same qualities, or simply reconnect with your ex to open a new page, but it all seems impossible (you haven’t even heard of my method yet!).
In both cases, you’re making a mistake by setting a short-term objective before looking to rebuild yourself personally. This is the first mistake most of the men and women make: trying to survive heartbreak by moving too fast. And yet, this is the best way to fall backwards and fail to take the essential post-breakup steps.
So, to overcome the heartbreak that’s undermining your morale, you’re going to have to accept that you’ll have to go through a strong rebuilding phase, during which the objective will be to focus exclusively on you. This is time to take for your well-being, for your future, to lift your head and move forward. At the outset, never set out with an objective that is not totally focused on you…
Then you need patience and a rebuilding plan to find out which aspects you’d like to work on! Is it your personal confidence? Your communication skills? Your image? Learning how to win back your ex? Or simply the desire to turn the page?
I recommend that you draw up a “commando plan” with a view to creating a timetable that incorporates these actions and helps you to have a clear framework.
Without this step, you’ll be able to give the best of yourself, but you won’t know exactly where you’re going or how you’re going to get there, so you’ll get frustrated very quickly… and let go of your efforts completely. That would be a real shame, because it takes iron determination to get through heartbreak.
Very often, there are crises or actions that can be a sign that the couple is in danger, such as an unfaithful partner who inevitably announces his or her flight. But you don’t see it because you’re so obsessed with the life you want as a couple that you haven’t taken the other person’s expectations into account. But that doesn’t mean you’re cursed! From now on, you’ll have to change your attitude.
You’re not an isolated case: we’ve all experienced heartbreak at least once, because everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is not to make them again. Your parents, your friends, your uncle or cousin, your colleagues and even world-famous and wealthy stars have already experienced painful separations.
The idea is to benefit from the experience of all these people, who will be able to guide you. However, it’s important to retain only the best, and in this case it’s necessary to ask yourself the right questions about their way of doing things, and in particular whether it’s right for you or not. That’s how you’ll learn from your mistakes and get back on the road to recovery.
Now let’s get to the heart of the matter, because I know just how much you suffer from the heartbreak of disillusionment, and especially how difficult it is to stick to any kind of action plan. The real problem lies in the fact that you’re going to make an effort for a few hours or a few days at the most, and then you’re suddenly going to let go, under the weight of your emotions, sentimental lack and desire for tenderness.
But when it comes to overcoming heartbreak, you need to be aware that psychology and determination are crucial, as the various quotes on heartbreak demonstrate.
One of the questions I’m most often asked is: “How can I avoid breaking down because I’m suffering too much? Like everyone else, your brain can be “reprogrammed”, and deserves special attention. That’s why you absolutely must send it positive signals. Don’t wait until you feel bad before you react!
From now on, make a commitment to occupy your mind as much as possible, to never stay at home doing nothing, to plan outings, to socialize, to approach men and women, to say “yes” to every outing proposed to you by friends, and therefore to get off your butt as much as possible! Forgive the expression, but I know it can give you a boost and get you going! Yes, you have the right to happiness, and it’s by going after it and not procrastinating that you’ll be able to give yourself the means to achieve it, and that you’ll be able to fight off depression.
From now on, organize your schedule with outings with friends, with sport, with reading time to learn more about human relationships, with evening outings, with concerts, with restaurants, with unique outings in the company of your children…
Use your imagination and share your ideas in the comments. Together, we can help you fight heartbreak! So if you don’t want to break down, you’ve got to do it beforehand…
Despite all your efforts, nothing will be easy, and that’s why I’ve got one more piece of advice that’s really far-reaching to avoid going through heartbreak. The next paragraph is very important, so be sure to read it over and over again…
There are two periods when you’re on the wrong track because you’re often alone and this leads you to dwell on the past… So yes, even with the best plan in the world, you’ll continue to suffer and think about your past, or at least your regrets.
And do you know what? I’ve got excellent news for you! You’ve got to realize that a known problem is half solved, even when that problem is heartbreak… So you’ve come part of the way today!
You know your emotions and your feelings, and you know when they give you a run for your money? So take the initiative and give them less importance.
For example, if you’re feeling the pangs of withdrawal in the morning, you need to wake up with gestures that won’t take you out of your routine. Habits are reassuring, and sometimes they’re a good thing, especially when you’re feeling down in the dumps, whether sentimental or otherwise. Then follow up with actions that will make you feel better.
Start by doing a few minutes’ exercise, such as a few sets of squats. Take a minute to watch a video of a comedian you like. Then go to your kitchen and force yourself to make a freshly squeezed orange juice and not leave on an empty stomach.
I’m already anticipating what you’re thinking when you read these tips! You’re thinking “Yeah, why not? And I’m going to tell you what’s going to make all the difference in recovering from heartbreak: in practice, you’re going to automatically relocate your thoughts. Instead of saying to yourself “But I’m suffering too much from this situation and I can’t take it anymore”, you’ll naturally get on with your day, establish a positive routine, take care of yourself, stop letting your heartbreak get you down, and you’ll finally be able to feel better!
I’m not talking about jumping up and down just yet, but at least giving yourself a new boost after a disappointment in love.
If you’re feeling a little anxious at any other time of the day then I’d be curious to know what you’re doing to combat this. If you’ve been doing nothing until now, now’s the time to act! Of course you’ll need to make some efforts if you want to get out of this, so don’t expect me to deliver everything on a platter!
Let me recap for this first part. You’ll need as precise a schedule as possible, several planned actions to occupy your mind, an iron will and several routine actions to combat the most intense moments of doubt.
Once you’re ready, I’d like to invite you to seek energy elsewhere, i.e. in others, through socialization, because the dynamism of others is an important factor in overcoming heartbreak and emotional pain! Take inspiration from those around you…
I work on the principle that to overcome heartbreak, you need a clear vision of the future. You won’t be able to turn the page on the past if you don’t have a new opportunity in return.
If you’re the kind of person who likes to rub it in, repeating to yourself “I’ll never find someone better than him/her!” then you’re going to have to put a stop to this way of thinking immediately, since it’s contributing to your malaise. So you need to be uncompromising with yourself and try to visualize your ideal future.
“In this world, there’s no room for regrets! “A person who meant a lot to me used to repeat this phrase to me when I was young. After making a mistake, we often tend to lament and ask ourselves a billion questions, whereas it’s necessary to bounce back simply by turning the page and offering ourselves a new vision of a future where we’ll never have to repeat that mistake again.
I recommend that you stop making excuses, stop feeling remorse and regret, and stop doing all the things that make you fall back into your misery every time. Forgive yourself for everything you’ve done, and open up a new path to happiness, well-being and emotional independence.
It’s not an easy path, but it requires a great deal of fortitude and character! Once you’ve read this page, you won’t be able to complain or wallow in the past. You have to promise yourself (and me)…
It’s at this moment that intransigence sets in, to forbid you to fail, because you have decided to.
If you ever want to get your ex back and you’re constantly blaming yourself for some attitude you may have had, then take action to apologize once and for all, usually in the form of a handwritten letter, but after that, put an end to all forms of negative thinking.
There are 6 rules to follow to heal post-breakup heartbreak:
- Never talk about the past again
- Force yourself to smile in all circumstances
- Forget mistakes and improve social relations
- Do everything you can to become a better person
- Don’t hesitate for a second to invest in yourself
- No longer apologize, but make up for mistakes
Depending on your situation and your story, I look forward to hearing your ideas in the comments, so please share them with everyone to get help not only from me, but also from others who have managed to overcome an episode of emotional distress.
I’m well aware that when you’re in the midst of a heartbreak depression, it’s hard to project yourself into the future. However, now is the best time to get out of your emotional sadness, because you’ll be able to start dreaming. Yes, it’s allowed! You’ll have to put aside your disappointment in love to confront your desires for the future. To do this, answer just one question:
“What are your personal dreams?”
Many people take a long time before they have the confidence to say it out loud, but I know that deep down we all have very specific desires. Please note that I’m really asking you to target your personal goals, not to say “I want a man/woman to build a family”.
I’m talking about your actions to “change the world, your world”. So, yes, I’m going a bit far in my assumptions, but I’d prefer you to be able to think big rather than be afraid of bringing out your deepest desires.
Let’s get back to our exercise on how to heal heartbreak. By targeting your personal desires, but also things you really want to achieve, then you’ll once again have a vision of a positive future regardless of your past and your grief.
If you don’t feel like doing anything at the moment, if you don’t know what to do for your future, if you’re in a “moment of complete doubt”, then I really invite you to make the effort to close your eyes, to see yourself again when you were just a child, and to rediscover your real DREAMS, your wildest desires, what used to drive you and give you joie de vivre.
How to get results faster?
Closing your eyes is important for this type of exercise, because you need to leave your current (often negative) reference points behind, and bring your positive emotions to the fore.
I’m repeating myself, but these tools are essentially focused on you, to give you the impetus to overcome your heartbreak in total independence from your sentimental past. All you need to do is regain a positive mood and rebuild yourself according to your personal desires before thinking about finding love again, including your ex if that’s your primary desire.
In my experience, it’s extremely difficult to get out of heartbreak without taking some action, however small. You need to open yourself up to new disciplines, outings and experiences to take control of your emotions.
Earlier I talked about “drawing energy from human relationships”. Socializing is a great way to clear your head, discover new (positive) emotions and clear your mind.
You’ll never be thinking negatively again, but rather discovering new things. It’s through these outings and experiences that you’ll be able to draw what I call “your second wind”.
It’s all about believing in your ability to rebuild yourself, to take control of your day-to-day life, not to be overwhelmed by the situation, and to live life to the full.
Again, I’m not saying that you won’t have any thoughts about your former relationship or your previous partner, but these are efforts to be made for a “better” future and to get out of this sentimental malaise that’s slowly destroying you. Don’t see these new outings or activities as further constraints, but rather as an excellent way of surpassing yourself and moving forward, despite all the pain and emotional distress you feel deep down inside.
The good news is that this process really does work, and it can help you find love again, or win back your former partner. So take action now, don’t neglect your efforts over time and make men or women want to approach you simply to chat about anything and everything! This will have such an impact that you’ll be able to reduce the time it takes for heartbreak to diminish you.
The duration of a heartbreak necessarily depends on the intensity of the feelings you had, the way you envisioned your emotional future, and the degree of your emotional dependence. In my opinion, there is a form of emotional dependence in every relationship. But that’s not all: your heartbreak will depend just as much on the efforts you make to fight it.
To overcome heartbreak, you absolutely must “invest in yourself”, to develop your daily life, regain confidence in your qualities and realize that you’ll never have to go through a similar situation again. You can do this by eliminating your mistakes and always bringing something positive to the people you meet.
Look to the future by taking into account your dreams, ambitions and desires, and by simply becoming a player in your daily life.
Love addiction is a real scourge, and if you find yourself in such an emotional state, it’s probably because you’ve been struck by this phenomenon. Let’s face it, you’re going to have to fight it, and the sooner the better. Because if you don’t feel well, it’s because you’re letting yourself fall into this trap.
So now is the time to regain total control over your emotions, even if it may take some time, because you don’t get over a heartbreak overnight… You have to accept that there is a gradual process, and as soon as you climb the steps towards well-being one by one, you’re on the right track.
A break-up or a negative love event will result in an emotional shock, because even if you weren’t happy as a couple, you still had the status of a partner to a man or woman, and overnight you find yourself single.
Overcoming heartbreak means first of all accepting the break-up, and for people like you who are still in love, this is bound to be tricky. But it’s an essential first step to getting better. I’m talking about accepting the break-up in the sense that you’ve understood that you’re no longer a couple, not that you agree with your former partner’s decision.
Surviving heartbreak also means being able to turn the page, even if you want to get your ex back, because you’ll have to start a new story. I’m aware that for many of my readers, talking about the past that meant so much to you is unthinkable and you’re wondering how to know if I can get my ex back. Unfortunately, this is also one of the reasons why you’re having trouble overcoming your unhappiness.
From now on, you need to put an end to doubts… You need to have certainties and take the right path to implement them. You’re going to have to relearn everything, and that’s what makes it so complex, because you’re going to have to adapt to the circumstances.
Staying in bed is not the right way to get over your ex and move on. A man or woman who doesn’t give up and tries as hard as he or she can to find happiness again will suffer for less time than someone who spends their days feeling sorry for themselves and thinking “what if…”.
The greatest pain of heartbreak is thinking that you’ll never be happy in your love life, and that celibacy is your only future. I’m sure you don’t understand the reactions of the men/women you’ve shared your life with, so you doubt Love and your ability to have a happy relationship.
The exercise I invite you to carry out first is to regain your confidence by having a vision of your future. Take the time to answer these questions:
- What kind of relationship would you like to have in the near future?
- What mistakes will you never make again?
- Who would be your ideal partner? What would be his or her faults?
By taking care to envision a future, you’re assuming that you’ll overcome your heartbreak, and you’re already halfway there!
Heartbreak is like a whirlwind of negative thoughts that keep you stuck. When a semblance of a smile appears on your face, it’s immediately replaced by bitterness about your latest failure in love.
Take the bull by the horns right away and take action to stop these mood swings.
Anti-grief self-motivational phrases are a powerful part of positive thinking to help you regain a better self-image and stop giving way to negative emotions. Imagine the potential you could regain if you took control of your every thought!
The exercise consists in defining one self-motivating phrase per day, which you must repeat at least 5 times. Believe me, if you do it right, you’ll regain your confidence in just a few weeks.
As you’ve probably gathered from the first two “how to get out of heartbreak” tips and exercises, you need optimism to get out of heartbreak.
The action plan is fairly simple to put in place. First you visualize the future you’d like to obtain or experience, then you determine the actions you need to take to get there. But there’s one more aspect missing…
Optimism is the third ingredient in achieving all your goals and getting over heartbreak. I ask you to take the time you need, whether it’s several hours, days or weeks, to evaluate all the experience you’ve gained from your past.
Heartbreak is not only negative, it also allows you to realize how far you’ve come in your life. What did you do right? What physical exercises paid off after the break-up? What great experiences have you had? What are the lasting memories?
With this last exercise, you’ll realize that you’ve gained an enormous amount of maturity and life experience. I invite you to do it with the utmost care, along with the first two, and you’ll gradually be able to say goodbye to your heartbreak!
To overcome heartbreak, it’s essential to do something you enjoy, which will help you to get rid of any dark thoughts and put the separation out of your mind. For this, spending time with your family is essential to regain a sense of serenity and confidence, as well as smiles and real support.
A weekend away from home with friends is also a very good idea. If you’re trying to win back your partner, you’ll also be able to let off steam and release the frustration caused by the separation.
Finally, to overcome heartbreak, you can do just the opposite and not try to forget your ex, but rather think about getting him/her back through love recapture actions.
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25 responses to “Overcoming Heartbreak: Complete Guide!”
I wanted to express my gratitude for the time and effort you’ve invested in creating this article. It’s clear that you’re passionate about it, and your enthusiasm is contagious!
I can’t thank you enough for this article. It’s clear that you’ve put a lot of time and effort into crafting it, and it certainly shows. Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks for keeping it real, much respect!
Thank you for this informative and engaging article! Your writing style is captivating, and the content was both relevant and enlightening. Keep up the fantastic work!
Thank you for sharing your insights!
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