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Tired Of Everything: 20 Questions To Change Your Life

It’s not uncommon to be fed up with our routine, our work, our relationships… In other words, fed up with everything. So what do you do when you get fed up? Here are 20 questions to help you see things more clearly and change your life.
What do you do when you’ve had enough of everything?
To help you feel better, I’ve come up with 20 questions. If you’re fed up with everything right now, I invite you to really play the game. In other words, don’t read this article passively, but rather determinedly roll up your sleeves.
Take some special time to ask yourself these 20 questions. At first, you can read them quickly and see how you feel. If you feel inspired and confident, then schedule a special time to answer them. Go somewhere you particularly like, or sit at home with a hot drink and a cupcake… In other words, take care of yourself. Because these questions are there for you, to help you see things more clearly, so that you can feel better.
It’s perfectly normal to be fed up with everything. It’s even good news, because it means you need to change, you need to evolve, and that’s just fine!
1 – What do I keep?
In our daily lives, when we’re fed up with everything, there are still things we want to keep. What would that be for you? Your family, your friends, your work, your clothes, your books, your home?
Breathe calmly, close your eyes and rediscover the things in your daily life that make you feel good. Indeed, it’s not uncommon when we’re depressed to forget the good things in our lives, and it’s good to be reminded of them.
2 – Fed up with everything: what don’t I keep?
Tired of everything? There are bound to be things you no longer want in your daily life. But it’s not always easy to name them. But it’s really good to know what you don’t want to keep.
Breathe calmly, relax your shoulders and list all the things you want to see disappear from your daily life.
For the moment, don’t ask yourself how to do it, just write down what comes to mind. You’ll see that you’ll already feel a greater sense of lightness.
3 – Which relationships are good for me?
It’s not always easy to sort out our relationships. Often, we feel more trapped than free in certain relationships.
Yet when we’re fed up with everything, it’s a powerful signal from life that it’s time to sort out our relationships.
First, list all the relationships that are good for you, or at least those that don’t hurt you.
Take this moment to thank all those people who are part of your daily life. Because, yes, all too often, our minds are more occupied ruminating on our negative relationships than giving thanks for the ones that make us feel good.
4 – Which relationships aren’t good for me?
Now it’s time to list all the relationships that aren’t doing you any good. All those relationships that stress you out, all those relationships in which you’re afraid to say what you really think, to be who you really are. Or all those relationships in which people say things that hurt you.
It’s not easy to sort through our relationships, but it’s necessary.
You don’t need to tell all these people how much they hurt you and why you want to see them less and less. Just do it. Walk away little by little. No need to explain. Do what’s right for you, without justifying yourself.
5 – Fed up with everything: what would the 10-year-old me say about my current life?
A beautiful question with the power to change your life. Breathe calmly and close your eyes. Recapture the image of yourself when you were 10. Where were you? What were you doing? Who were your friends? What were your passions?
Imagine sitting on a bench next to you when you were 10, what would you say to yourself?
Don’t forget that children are kind-hearted, not mean-hearted. They’re just authentic. They say things the way they mean them. Choose your vocabulary carefully. The child you were is not a judge, just a child who wants more than anything to be happy when he grows up.
6 – What advice would you give her for a better life?
Now that you’ve imagined a conversation with your child, it’s time to listen to the advice this child has for you. What would he or she change? What would he or she keep in your life?
7 – If I didn’t need money, what would I do?
Money tends to imprison us in a job, a routine, a stress… And if you didn’t need money to live, what would change in your life? What would you do differently?
This question will help you see what’s really important to you.
I’d like to remind you of one thing. Yes, money can make us prisoners of certain things, but it also enables us to do beautiful things: eat, house, clothe ourselves – in other words, take care of ourselves. In other words, let’s not demonize it either.
8 – What is it today that makes me lose track of time?
Is there anything you’re doing right now that’s making you completely lose track of time? If so, I invite you to do more of that. Indeed, it’s important to have an activity in our lives that allows us to escape. That way, we can breathe easier and calm down.
If you don’t feel you’ve got it, don’t worry. Go out and discover this activity. Try out lots of different things and see which one makes you lose track of time.
9 – What would I say to a friend whom I love very much if he confided in me that he was fed up with everything? What would I advise him to do? How would I feel about him?
Too often, we forget to feel compassion and love for ourselves. On the contrary, we speak harshly to ourselves. It’s time to become the friend we are to ourselves. Imagine that friend who’s fed up with everything is you. Imagine what you would say to comfort and reassure him.
Are you fed up with everything? You’ve got every right to be. Don’t judge yourself harshly. Discover all the compassion and love you have inside you by doing this exercise.
10 – Tired of everything: if I were to die in 1 year, what would I like to do?
We often live as if we were immortal. In fact, we waste far too much of our time and tend to put off important things until later. Retirement, for example. But who’s to say you’ll still be around?
Life is here and now, not tomorrow and certainly not the day after tomorrow.
Being mortal can be frightening, but it can also motivate us to do the things that are important to us right now. Yes, death helps us to live better in the present moment. You’re alive, that’s a blessing! Make the most of it!
11 – What if I were to die tomorrow?
Today is the best day to live. What would you like to do today? What would make you smile? Just do it!
12 – If I had a magic wand and 3 wishes, what would I change in my life?
A powerful question for discovering what’s important to us.
Take the time to answer it. There’s no rush. Go deep inside yourself and hear the answers.
13 – If I didn’t expect anything from anyone or anything from life, what would I do?
Too often, we believe ourselves to be prisoners of life and of others. “When I have or I will be” or “When so-and-so has done this or will stop doing that”.
Your happiness depends on you alone. You can’t control other people or life, so you can’t expect anything from them. They’re unpredictable, and that’s normal! So what can you do for yourself? Because you’re the only person you can really count on.
14 – And if giving up was the only way to be happy, what would I leave behind?
The famous letting go. Haven’t you noticed how we can’t seem to let go of the thoughts, memories, relationships, things that make us suffer and clutter us up? Every day, we brood, we ruminate, we go back to doing things we don’t like to do, or we go back to people who make us suffer. What if we stopped?
We don’t have to burden ourselves with these things. We’re free to let them go. Just stop. Stop brooding, stop feeling guilty. Forgive yourself. Free yourself.
15 – Fed up with everything: am I enjoying myself enough?
Tired of everything? Chances are you’ve forgotten to treat yourself for a while, haven’t you? When was the last time you indulged yourself and enjoyed the moment, guilt-free?
16 – What am I passionate about? What do I like to learn about? What do I like to talk about?
Too often, we believe that nothing excites us. That’s because we’re not listening to ourselves. What do we often talk about? What do others regularly ask us about? Discover your passion, what makes your heart beat with joy. Don’t forget it. No passion is better than another.
17 – What do I want to do, but don’t allow myself to? What do I dream about, but don’t want to admit to myself?
A question that requires us to listen to our inner voice. Close your eyes, breathe calmly and quiet your thoughts. Ask yourself the question and let the answer rise within you. It may take a while. It doesn’t matter. Ask yourself the question several times a day for several days. The answer will come.
18 – Fed up with everything: do I really love myself?
An interesting question to ask yourself in front of the mirror. Look yourself in the eye: do you really love yourself? Maybe you’ll cry, that’s wonderful. You’ll realize how much you’ve forgotten yourself. You’re worthy of your love, don’t ever forget it again.
19 – Fed up with everything: what would my life be like if I really loved myself?
I’ll let you answer. Let kindness and love overflow from your heart. You deserve your love.
20 – Fed up with everything: what would my life be like if I allowed myself to shine?
Breathe calmly. Straighten your head. You’re a star among stars. You too can shine. That doesn’t make you superior. There are no superior or inferior people, we all complement each other. So shine bright, beautiful star, and set an example for thousands of other stars to follow. What would you like to offer to the people around you? What would you like to offer the world?
Find out more:
I invite you to read these 2 complementary articles:
Discover How to give meaning to your life: a fascinating story to help you refocus
Discover 20 things to do when youโre sad
I recommend this inspiring book:
Running on Empty: Overcome Your Childhood Emotional Neglect by Jonice Webb
Jonice Webb’s book addresses the feeling of being tired of while exploring the impact of childhood emotional neglect. It provides insights and strategies for recognizing and overcoming emotional neglect, promoting healing and a renewed sense of vitality. By exploring the link between past experiences and present emotions, this book offers people who are tired of everything a path to rediscover emotional well-being and build a more fulfilling life.
It brings a real awareness of emotional neglect. Shedding light on many adult struggles and the behaviors associated with them.
A must-read!
Thank you very much for reading this article.
If you liked it, let me know in the comments.
Take care of yourself
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